Since I "became independent" exactly two months ago to the day, I've launched two pet project web sites:
Pocket Rails and
Rate Marina's Outfits. I tracked my time on each, just like I would for a billable client, and oddly enough they each took about twenty hours from inception to launch. Turns out it's pretty damn easy, and cheap too. Here's how I did it.
Get organized
I'm a "to do" list guy. Everything I do on a daily basis centers around "to do" lists. Whenever I think to myself, "I need to..." it goes straight on to the list. For these two projects I used
Ta-da Lists. I created a new list for each project, and started adding "to do" items as I thought of them, and checked them off as I completed them. It's a great way to ensure you don't forget anything, nothing falls through the cracks, and it gives you a decent visual representation of your progress and how much you have left to do.
Get a domain
The first thing you need is a domain name for your site so people have a way to surf to it. You don't necessarily need a separate domain for every site; you can can host several sites on a single domain via sub-domains. For example, I registered for my company then hosted one of my projects at
I get all my domain names through
GoDaddy. It's usually the cheapest, and it's convenient to manage them all through a single central service. If you plan on sending/receiving e-mail through the domain, I strongly recommend
Google Apps for Business. It's dirt simple to set up, their tutorials cover every major registrar, and requires no maintenance.
Get a host
As the name "pet" project implies, these sites are hobbies. They are not generating any money, and it's not critical that they be up all the time and fast to respond. So I went with the cheapest host I could find,
DreamHost. Pull up Google and search for DreamHost promo codes and try all the ones you find. I ended up getting an entire year of hosting for about $20 (that's for the entire year, not a monthly rate).
Choose a platform (Hint: Use Rails, dummy)
Not only is
Ruby on Rails the best platform for getting a site up and running quickly, you can get a head start with a "base" application like
Bort which comes with a plethora of
pre-shaved yaks including registration, e-mail activation, log-in, password reset, pre-configured routes, deployment scripts, etc. It's not perfect - I had to tweak it a bit - but it saved me hours of laying the groundwork and let me get to the meat of the project quicker.
Use hosted source control
Why hosted? First of all, it's essentially a cheap back-up of your work. Secondly, it makes it a lot easier to collaborate if you're working with other developers. There's a billion to choose from, and if you're willing to let other people see your code, they're free. I decided to make the source for
Pocket Rails open but keep the source for Marina private (for now). I'm a huge
git fanboy so
GitHub was the natural choice for me. My open-sourced projects are hosted for free and I pay a measly $7 per month for the privilege of keeping some of them private.
Test all the fscking time
If you aren't test infected yet, it's time to wake up. Testing demonstrates that what you've written works, and testing ensures that when you modify or enhance it you don't break any of the old stuff. Don't let yourself fall into the quagmire of, "I'll add testing later after I get everything working." You'll waste endless hours of debugging issues that could have been prevented with preemptive testing. But don't take my word for it, take the word of
Bryan Liles.
Also, on a somewhat related note to testing, use one of the plug-ins and accompanying services like
Hoptoad or
Exceptional to track and alert you when something breaks on your site.
If you want to get hard core, and why not, install the
New Relic plug-in which will track and report on the performance of your application, so you can find out where the bottlenecks are.
Automate deployment
Get automated deployment working from the get go. Don't save it for the end. You should be able to deploy your site
from your hosted source control
to your hosting provider with a single command.
Capistrano is the tool for the job if you're using Rails. Open up a terminal window and type "cap deploy" and watch it all unfold. If that one command doesn't do everything you need it to,
make it! For example, I deploy a
lot, and Capistrano doesn't clean up after itself automatically, so I hacked it to run the "clean" command after every "deploy". It also doesn't run database migrations by default, so I added the "migrate" task to "deploy" as well. When you can update your live site with one command, you'll sleep better at night.
If you build it, they will come
Well, they wont actually come until you promote it, but that's a later section. Once I had all the aforementioned steps in place, I buckled down and coded. My Ruby and Rails skills were a little rusty, so I'd occasionally have to visit a documentation site like
APIdock or search for an issue on Google or as a last resort post my problem on
gist then tweet the link on Twitter (thankfully I have quite a few smart and helpful Rails guys following me).
Package your dependencies
Don't expect your hosting provider, or the next developer to work on your project, to have all the necessary third-party dependencies for your project. Package them up with your application if possible. In Rails this is pretty simple, just declare the gem dependencies in your
environment.rb file then
rake gems:unpack to extract them locally. Do it for Rails itself too, and don't forget to add them all to source control.
Track it
If you want to know how many people are visiting your site, how many pages your site is serving, which page is the most popular, etc., you need to track it all. The quickest, easiest, and cheapest way I know of accomplishing that is
Google Analytics. Create a profile for your site and they will generate a little snippet of JavaScript code to paste into your pages. Assuming you have a template that's common to ever page on the site (like a header or footer), that's the logical place to put it. Google will track everything for you and give you some super slick reports.
Tell people about it
Once you've got your new site coded, tested, and deployed, it's time to draw people to it. People aren't likely to find it on their own, so you need to announce it. With Pocket Rails I first started tweeting about it on
Twitter. This attracted a few visitors and provided some initial feedback. Once I'd ironed out a few kinks I shot an e-mail over to the guys as the
Rails Envy Podcast explaining what I'd built. They seemed to like it and mentioned it on their show. That drove a sizable burst of traffic which quickly died off. A week later I posted the link to
reddit for ruby hackers and holy macaroni the site was deluged with visitors, and I began to see other people talking about it and linking to it thanks to tools like
Google Alerts and
Twitter Search. I added their RSS feeds to my news reader so I can keep on top of the chatter.
Finally, blog about it
Hey, my blog post about launching your site is recommending you blog about launching your site. How meta is that? It makes my brain hurt a little. But seriously, share your story so others may learn from it, as I hope you've learned something from my story. I'd love to hear your comments and criticisms, perhaps you'd have done something differently.